Threads of Fate Kickstarter Campaign Online Puzzles
These 4 puzzles were posted weekly throughout Threads of Fate Kickstarter campaign. Each solves to a phrase which can then be resolved to a single English word.
. Throughout the text there are many icons with numbers underneath. Can you turn these icons into words?
. The first icon is SQUIRREL. Can you figure out how the numbers under the squirrel relate to the letter already given in the solution?
. U is the 3rd letter of SQUIRREL and the numbers underneath are 3|4. The U appears in the 4th position of the phrase. Can you repeat this process with the other words?
. Taking the 8th letter of INFINITY and placing it into the 7th position, and continuing the process with the rest of the words.
. The phrase should fill in to say UNLUCKY NUMBER. What number is typically considered unlucky?
Puzzle 1 Hints
Puzzle 2 Hints
. Before trying to follow the path, you need to place the locations on the map using the instructions given on the right. The 8 locations are marked by dots on the map.
. Work backwards and use process of elimination to narrow down the possible symbols for each location. For example, square can only be ocean or cliff, as those are the only two locations that are west and south of other dots.
. Horizontal lines need to be north of something that is east of something, so they can only be tree or waterfall, meaning triangle is either waterfall or caves. This means circle is either ocean or town, but since it needs to be south of the plus sign, and there is nothing north of the town, circle must be ocean.
. This means town=plus sign, waterfall=vertical lines, caves=triangle, tree=horizontal lines. Since ocean is circle, square can only be the cliffs, making mountain=diamond and forest=asterisk.
. Now that you have all the locations in place, follow the path carefully and collect the letters along the way. It is possible for letters to be used more than once if the path overlaps.
. The phrase is ANOTHER WORD FOR ROCKS. There are a couple of possibilities, but one should be more obvious.
. Start by looking at the letter already given to you. Why might that particular constellation translate to a T?
. Can you find the constellation in the sky above? Is there anything about the name that can help?
. What do you notice about the stars added to the constellations making up the phrase on the bottom? How could they help you find a letter?
. The constellation with the T is Svartalfheimr and it has a 5-pointed star. The 5th letter of its name is a T. Use this process to find letters for the rest.
. What do you typically call a set of metal links? What are you doing when you release them?
Puzzle 3 Hints
. Examine the envelope shapes and how they fit in with the given letters to try and derive some words.
. The first word is ILLUMINATION. Use the new letters you found to fill in spaces in the other words.
. The next two words are IMAGINATION and MYTHOLOGY. Keep filling in missing letters below and use repeated shapes to extrapolate more letters.
. The following words are CHALLENGE, POWERLESS, and RECORDKEEPING.
. The last 3 words are DISAGREEMENT, INFORMATION, and SHIFT. Now you should have all the letters you need to translate the phrase.
. The phrase is THE OPPOSITE OF A DREAM. What word describes that?